Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Trying Not To Get Ahead Of Myself

Christmas is coming in case you hadn't notice. However I think you must live in a hole if you haven't been bombarded with music, songs, ads and decorations in the stores. It seems to get earlier and earlier that this happens every year. The kids were barely in from the Halloween candy dash and suddenly the ads on tv started to appear. I think there should be a law that all the hoopla can't start until after Thanksgiving.

Now because of all the push towards Christmas I'm starting the knitting gift panic. I said this year would be the year I keep it all in control. But I'm losing control. My mind is queuing up those projects left and right. I will say there are few things finished. I did the fingerless gloves for my mom and the socks for son's fiance's mother(I know). But for everything I finish something appears at the end of the list. I have to finish a scarf for my job share other half. I have two hats for the nephews. Hand-holding mittens for the newly weds and the engaged son/fiancee as well as a friend and his wife. My "need to finish" project bag is getting bigger and bigger. I'm hoping that's it but I'm afraid that this year will be no different than the years past.

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