Friday, December 21, 2007

Almost Caught Up

Let's see, the shopping is pretty much done but the wrapping remains. The cookies are baked and the fudge made, now to be packed up. I should make some breads for the neighbors but cookies will have to do. The cards are in the mail. Except for the fact that I work the next three days I think I'm in pretty good shape.

The snow has certainly made a statement this year, more than I think we've had in the last few years just in the last few storms. Right now it's very pretty even if it does make things so much more difficult!

Scenes out the back door

K is home, you can tell by the clutter at the front door, the pounding of his feet up and down the stairs and the empty refrigerator, despite going to the grocery store just yesterday. He and Tobah are spending some quality time together!

Boy and dog bonding time
Due to the snow and ice we have a lovely leak in a corner of the house. We haven't seen this happen in years but then again there hasn't been snow and ice like this in, well, years. So hubby is fighting a battle chipping away ice and mopping up the trickle that appears behind the bookcase. Ah, the joys of winter.
I hope you each have a wonderful holiday however you celebrate. I doubt there will be blogging what with the rest of the chores to finish, work and the holiday. I hope it's warm and happy. Enjoy!

1 comment:

cath said...

Have a wonderful Christmas!