Saturday, October 27, 2007

Something New

I know this is old to so many people but for me, it's a new venture. I'm a mom whose boys are pretty much all out of the house, I'm a wife, I'm a nurse, and I'm a Lactation Consultant. Oh yeah, and I'm a knitter. In fact, knitting is the one constant through every one of the other things I do. It's how I cope with things (along with eating, that's a bad, bad habit!), my therapy as so many people say.

I started knitting as a teenager and made all those mistakes as I learned. The first project I remember was a pair of baby booties for my aunt's baby. Picked the pattern and yarn. No one told me anything about gauge, I picked yarn that was pretty and bought needles that the pattern said I needed, not what the yarn required. I knit away and had lovely booties. They looked like the picture. I had no idea of scale and needless to say they were HUGE! But I didn't see that, all I saw was the gift I had made for my aunt's new baby. When I brought them over she ooohed and awwed. But I kept looking at the baby's feet and back to the booties. I knew they would never fit her (well maybe now and she is 40) but my aunt just complimented me. I've come a long way from that first project. I know how to pick yarn and needles, how to read a pattern. But it's been a journey with many ups and downs, sort of like my life. I'm still learning about both!

Since the boys have grown older and essentially moved out I have really gotten back into knitting full force. Around the same time I started knitting with a wonderful group of women who have expanded my world in so many ways. I have met such great people and gone to wonderful places, all because I started knitting again. I don't think I could live without it anymore. I know sometimes I go to bed thinking about what I put down before I went to bed and other times I dream about knitting. Sometimes I pace my day by when I can get in a few minutes of knitting or a new yarn purchase or fiber field trip. I guess that's called an obsession, for me a healthy one.

So now I'll write about knitting and life and see how it goes. You're welcome to come along and see where this goes. Your guess is as good as mine!