Monday, July 21, 2008
I made it in Cascade 220 in a deep red, the picture is pretty true to the color. I like the results. Now I need to pick another one or two fairly simple projects for the upcoming plane ride/conference. Socks will be one, not sure of the other. I'm positive I can find plenty to choose from!
Vet2B is on his second week of his rotation here. I'll be sad to see him go, I'm not sure when we'll see each other for a while. We haven't been able to spend a bunch of time together as he has been at the clinic long hours and exhausted with the heat and work. I'm thinking large animals may be not his thing. He does enjoy the small animals and teaching pet parents so I think that is what he will end up doing. Time will tell. M is loving her new job at the Seeing Eye Dog Foundation. She can't wait to get to work every day, a very good thing!
Off to pack. I have to try and get organized, I have to be one of the world's worst packers. I never think I have enough clothes. I'm trying to be thoughtful about what I bring and mix and match so fewer clothes end up in the suitcase. I'm off early Wednesday morning. You all have a good week and I'll be back soon!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Cruisin' Along
My widow boxes are going crazy and the hydrangea is out of control (in a good way). Don't you just love my "birds of a feather" garden stake? I couldn't resist them at the garden center. Flowers are blooming everywhere. It really is pretty. On the agenda for the rest of the weekend is taking our little fountain on the deck and moving it to the garden area surrounding the deck. I think it will look better there.
In the knitting world M's shawl is complete. I really am proud of it. I can't believe I was afraid to start it. I sent M some pictures and she loves it too, yippee! I can't wait to see it on her. M moves to NJ tomorrow to start a new job so she and vet2b will be separated until the wedding. She's excited but I know they will miss each other. However the good news is that if all goes well it looks like they will settle in the NJ area when vet2b graduates and that means they will only be 3-4 hours away. So good luck M as you start the new job!! Here's a look at the blocked shawl.
I also finished a baby sweater and some socks. My fingers seem to be moving right along these days. The projects that were overwhelming me in their bags hanging all over the house are finally being completed. Only a matter of time until it starts all over again. Meanwhile I'm into trying to finish up projects started that are on the needles.
The sweater is Helena from Knitty. I did it in the Sheep Shop 3 yarn, purples. The socks are called Order from Chaos from Fearless Fibers. Great pattern . They were done in yarn hand dyed by Kim at Butterfly Yarns. She is doing some awesome colors!
Guess that's it for the knitting news. Heading off to the airport to pick up vet2b who will be with us for the next two weeks doing one of his rotations. Almost like old times 2 out of the three boys home. It will be fun to spend some time with him. Then it's off to Las Vegas for my conference. What better place to discuss breasts! See you when I get back, maybe sooner !